Module @octra/json-sets - v0.1.2

@octra/json-sets npm

This library allows to define sets using JSON. JSONSetValidator parsed an array of objects and validates it using the JSON definition.

npm install --save @octra/json-sets

You have two options to install this package und use it as UMD:

a) Install via NPM and reference local files (no internet connection needed om production).

<script type="application/javascript" src="node_modules/@octra/json-sets/index.umd.js"></script>

b) Reference remote file (internet connection needed on production).

<script type="application/javascript" src=""></script>

See full example here

Import the classes and functions from @octra/json-sets. For example

import { JsonSetValidator } from '@octra/json-sets';

All functions and classes are available via global scope OctraJSONSets. For example:

make sure that you have injected the umd bundle as described before.
const validator = new OctraJSONSets.JSONSetValidator();

You can find more information about classes and functions of @octra/json-sets here.

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Type Aliases